Market Entry Simplified

We Set Up Your Export Fast, Easily, and Conveniently

Get Started In Only 4 Weeks! 

It is time to sell across borders, but finding customers in new markets seems overwhelming?

We make it simple for your business and get your product selling in Europe and Asia.

How It Works:

You are just a few steps away from getting started with a process, you have probably postponed for ages. 
Let's get you selling on new markets!

Contact Us Today


Please send a short overview of your company and its expansion goals to:

[email protected]

We will set up an online call with you and then we'll all go deeper into the details.

Contact Us

Who Is This Service For?

Established market presence

Your company has established market presence in at least one market already.

Minimum of €750K in annual turnover

Last year's gross annual turnover is at least €750K.

 Dedicated sales team

You have a team that is ready for immediate cooperation when the need is there.


Our service for finding the right partners and business matching costs €2500.

Partner services typically range from €4000-€6000 per month within Europe, and from €3000 to €15000 in Asia. This includes extensive onboarding and outreach efforts.

All fees are excl. VAT.

Don't Wait! Start Expanding Now!

Get access to top-performing partners who do the outreach, build trust, book meetings, and win you customers!

Get Started

Frequently Asked Questions